According to PD Kwak Jung Hwan, since Rain’s schedule is currently packed, filming will probably begin in June. KBS plans to air the drama in September or early October. PD Kwak and writer Chun Sung Il are still in the process of talking over the story, so the details are a secret for now. This is Rain’s first drama since 2005′s A Love To Kill.
I don’t know, guys. I’m thrilled that I’ll be able to bask in PD Kwak’s genius directing again so soon, but I was kinda hoping he’d work with a different writer this time. The last few episodes of Chuno were a bit of a disappointment, writing-wise (although they still had some kick-ass moments as well). Still, PD Kwak’s enough of a genius that whatever he touches will end up being good.
Rain, however…I dunno. His towering stardom overrode everything in A Love To Kill, so that it was difficult even to get into his acting (although he had some good moments in that drama). And he was majorly disappointing in I’m A Cyborg But That’s OK. Still…Kwak Jung Hwan has this ability to get the best performances out of his actors, so maybe that’ll happen for Rain as well (Jang Hyuk, anyone?). I’ll be crossing my fingers.
(Via Newsen)@Dahee blog
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